Wite Rayvn Metaphysical Church of the Ozarks is a 501c3 Wiccan Church that is an affiliate congregation of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church International. They are located in Southeastern Missouri and North Eastern Arkansas, some of the most economically depressed areas of thee USA. Their mission statement is to encourage the teaching, understanding, and assessibility of the Wiccan Faith. They are an open eclectic church that has members from many different faiths all joined together to explore the balance and harmony of all creatures and faiths. They have a Community Outreach Program ( C.O.R.P.) that uses their Not – for – profit status to bring much needed support to their local community. This includes Home Improvement Giveaways, Food Drives, and even their sweat equity to build needed housing for ANY individual in their community regardless of faith.They currently run training for all levels of individuals within Wicca and also run a Wiccan Awareness course ( Seeker ) open to any individual who truly wishes to explore what is the Wiccan faith.
They are part of the board of the Ozarks Diversity Day planning committee which is specifically designed for education to the larger community on religious and gender tolerance. The current tentative date for this festival is September 2014.
Alfred has been doing Oracle readings at the area Metaphysical Shop since May and the owners of the Silver Dragon, Diane and Bob Mix have graciously donated two very rare Tarot decks to be raffled for the express purpose of raising funds for a good used vehicle for the co-founders of the church and to assist them in getting to the Mother Church in Index Washington for a special event ( Hekate's Sickle) where they are the special guests in November of this year. They will also meet with the founder of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church Pete Pathfinder.
The Deck
This deck are UNOPENED in ORIGINAL Shrink Wrap.
The Victoria Regina Tarot – currently unavailable in new unused condition, the book alone lists on Amazon.com for $730.00.
The VICTORIA REGINA TAROT brings to life the fascinating art of engravings used in late 19th-century commercial illustration. It is the work of collage done in black and white, providing a sepia-tinted glimpse into another time, yet containing messages for our time. The accompanying guidebook includes a description of each card, its interpretation, and notes on the sources. (from the box)
The Australian animals resonate with the timeless wisdom and energy of this our ancient land. Many of them are truly unique to the Australian continent and are beyond comparison with the characteristics of animals found in other parts of the world. They are truly remarkable creatures with much to offer us in understanding the nature of our own being. ( from the creators comments)
The Wisdom of the Australian Animals Deck is no longer produced and there is only one unopenned unused copy of this deck and book available on Amazon.com for $399.99.
The Raffles
Two opportunities are available! One for the Victoria Regina Tarot and one for the Wisdom of the Australian Animals. Each of these raffles will be for a limited time and a limited number of tickets sold. All funds collected are tax deductable as Wite Rayvn Metaphysical Church of the Ozarks ATC is a 501c3 CHURCH. All of the money collected for the raffle will be used for the specific purpose that is stated.
The Victoria Regina Tarot – 300 tickets at $10.00 per ticket. Ends Nov 16 or before
Tarot Raffle
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