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Aquarian Tabernacle Church


The Aquarian Tabernacle Church is a positive, life-affirming spirituality, a non-dualist, non-racist, non-sexist, non-exclusivist, bi-polar, ecologically oriented faith dedicated to the preservation of Holy Mother Earth, the revival of the worship of The Old Gods in a modern context, the achievement of the fullest of human potentials and the creation of a peaceful world of love, freedom, health and prosperity for all sentient beings. We claim to speak only for our own tradition and not for others in the many Neo-Pagan movements of today. We believe above all else that everyone has the right to identify and follow their own spiritual path, and in that belief, we do not seek actively to convert others to our faith; we will help those seekers who come to us to learn of our ways so that they may make their own conscious choices of which path is right for them. We follow The Old Religion, Paganism, the way of Nature and of the Earth Mother, The Great Goddess, and Her consort, The God. Our tradition is one based on the concept of service to the larger Pagan faith community, and we focus our efforts on outreach and on providing a place for group worship and celebration of the Mysteries of Nature, a place where sincere seekers may come to learn and grow in their Paganism as a way of life.


Southern Delta Church of Wicca


The specific and primary purpose for which this corporation 
is formed is to support and teach the tenets of the Wiccan 
religion, to encourage and foster tolerance and interaction 
between the many differing faiths of the world, to provide and 
disseminate information regarding the faith to the general 
public, other religious and secular bodies, and to print and 
broadcast media in order to educate and inform, and to 
promote Wiccan worship, religious education and religious 




Hearthfires is a community support group of individuals and organizations practicing and teaching earth-centered paths. Our mission is to provide resources for mutual support
 and self-awareness for a diverse community of people of Pagan spiritual paths. We serve as a forum for networking and education, and as a point of contact for new people.



Friends of Wite Rayvn ATC a wiccan church Missouri

Temple of the Sacred Gift


The Temple of the Sacred Gift-ATC was founded in September of 2009 by Rev. Brian and Rev. Sonya Miller and is a legal Wiccan Church with a 501c3 nonprofit status in Memphis, TN. We worship inside a Temple (like our Ancestors did) providing a beautiful environment with altars to various deities where you are always welcome to come and worship at 5995 Bartlett Center Drive, Bartlett, Tn 38134. We are an affiliate of our Mother Church the Aquarian Tabernacle Church that was founded in 1979 by Pete Pathfinder in Index, Washington which is still running strong now.


Apple Oak Grove Church of Wicca


We are a non-profit Church of Wicca, celebrating themany paths of Paganism, such as Wicca, Druidry and other Earth Religions.We are family friendly and welcome seekers on all Earth Religions path and people of all orientations, ages and beliefs to come and join with us in celebration. In service to the community we offer open Esbats (Moon Rites) and Sabbats (Seasonal Ceremonies).Also, classes for church members who would like to further their study within the Craft.


Woolston Steen Theological Seminary


WSTS offers state certified associates, bachelors, and masters degrees in Wiccan Ministry and Chaplaincy. With a degree from Woolston-Steen, you can feel confident going on to find employment offering spiritual support in Prison, End-of-Life-Care, Peacemaking, Youth, Women’s and Environmental Ministry. The training is open to those who wish to be intiated as Wiccan Priests and Priestesses, Lay Chaplains, and also those who wish to deepen their understanding of service from the Wiccan perspective.



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Wite Rayvn Metaphysical Church of the Ozarks - ATC


 4574 Route 142

West Plains, MO 65775

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